Top 30 interview questions for front-end web developer Job interview

Top 25 interview questions for Front-End Web Developer interview

Are you an aspiring Front-End Web Developer? If you are trying to get a job in the ever-evolving world of web development, Top Web Development Institute in Delhi shares the list of compiled the top 25 interview questions specifically tailored for Front-End Web Developer positions to help with interview prep.

Top 25 interview questions for Front-End Web Developer Job interview

What make you to decide to work in front-end web development, and what kept you interested in expanding your knowledge and skills in this field?

The creative and problem-solving components of web development first drew me inside it, and I now amuse the challenge of creating websites that are both useful and beautiful. I can continue to learn and grow in this field by co – ordinating with the most recent trends and best practices, attending conferences and meetings, and seeking important feedbacks from my relatives and mates.

What skills does a front-end developer need?

To succeed in their position, front-end developers need a variety of technical and soft abilities. Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and also the knowledge of front-end frameworks and libraries. They must be experienced with responsive design as well. Front-end developers should be knowledgeable about responsive design ideas and strategies in order to build websites that function properly across a variety of devices.

Can you describe your process from ideation to deployment for creating a responsive website or web application? What programs and systems do you generally employ?

Wireframes and design mock-ups are often the first step in my approach, followed by development utilizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I frequently combine the front-end frameworks like React or Vue.js with deployment automation tools like Webpack or Gulp. To guarantee that my website or application is responsive and accessible, I also make sure to extensively test it using a variety of tools and approaches.

How do you keep up with the most recent developments and recommended techniques in front-end development? Can you give an example of a project where you have employed a new technology or technique?

I kept myself updated by reading some of the newest and most popular industry blogs and newsletters, going to meetings and conferences, and taking part in online communities. I recently used the new CSS Grid layout method on a project, which enabled me to make more intricate layouts and enhance the website’s overall appearance and usability.

What is user-centred design, exactly?

User-centred design can be explained as an iterative approach which enables designers to remember the customer and their needs in mind completely. In order to create products that are highly useable and accessible, user-centred design mandates involving people in the design process using a variety of design and research methodologies. An understanding of user requirements must be developed by designers using a combination of generative (such as brainstorming) and investigative (interviews and surveys) approaches and tools.

How does clickjacking work?

In a clickjacking security attack, the user is tricked into clicking on something what they are not exactly aware of. The HTML frames are the main vector for the attack. Another term for clickjacking is user interface redressing. It gives the user the impression that they are using a standard UI on the website, but in reality, another UI is in charge; you could think of it as the UI being redesigned. Users click on anything, believing it to be safe and secure, but the disguised UI really performs another activity. You can mitigate it using X-frame option security header during deployment.

When and why should I use Webpack?

Using Webpack is a must when developing a complex front-end application with a lot of non-code static assets like CSS, fonts, pictures, etc. because it offers so many incredible advantages. Webpack should be more work than necessary if you have a small application with few static resources and only need to produce one JavaScript file to assist users.

How do you make sure that your websites and application functions across browsers and platforms. What is your experience with cross-browser compatibility?

Using technologies like Browser Stack and cross-browser testing, I have expertise testing and troubleshooting websites on a variety of browsers and devices. To make sure that the website works on older browsers and devices, I also employ feature detection and progressive enhancement techniques.

Would you please like sharing your knowledge of front-end frameworks and libraries like Angular, React, and Vue.js? How have you used your experiences to your projects?

Angular, Vue.js, and React are just a few of the frontend frameworks and modules I’ve practiced with. They give us the templates, tools, and pre-built elements that developers may use to expedite development and raise the calibre of our code. With the use of these technologies, I was able to develop complex user interfaces and control state in important projects, which enhanced performance and maintainability.

What methods do you employ to increase website speed and page load times? How do you optimize website performance?

To enhance the functionality of websites, I employ strategies like lazy loading, minification, and code splitting. In order to speed up page loads, I also make care to optimize pictures and use caching and compression methods.

How do you approach towards building websites that function properly on desktop and mobile devices? Give a brief about your experience with responsive design?

I have experience creating responsive websites, and to make sure the website functions properly across a variety of devices, I employ strategies like responsive images, media queries, and flexible layouts. To ensure a wonderful user experience across all platforms, I also place a high priority on mobile-first design and usability.

What tools do you use to identify and fix errors, and how do you go about debugging complex front-end difficulties?

When troubleshooting difficult front-end problems, I initially make an effort to replicate the issue and gather as much data as I can. To identify the issue, I use debugging tools like React Developer Tools or Vue.js Dev Tools, console logs, and browser developer tools. I then test potential fixes using strategies like code isolation or commenting out specific areas of code.

How do you really deal with browser-specific problems and brief your experience with cross-browser compatibility?

I have a lot of experience with cross-browser compatibility, and I use tools like polyfills and feature detection to address browser-specific difficulties. To make sure whether my code is functioning consistently across all the platforms, I will also go and check it on a wide range of browsers and gadgets, including older versions of well-known browsers like Internet Explorer.

What’s your experience with version control, and what tools do you use for code management and collaboration?

Git is my go-to program for managing and collaborating on code, and I’ve had fantastic success using version control. I use Git to handle branches and merges, track changes to my code, and work together on projects with other engineers. While storing and sharing my code with other developers, I preferably use remote repositories like GitLab, GitHub, or Bitbucket. I use Git branching techniques while working with a team to control code updates and make sure everyone is using the most recent codebase, such as Gitflow or trunk-based development.

How do you go about creating user experiences and interfaces? How do you balance between aesthetics with functionality and accessibility? 

I begin the UI/UX design process by learning about the wants and objectives of the user as well as the project’s business requirements. I then develop prototypes and wireframes to test and refine the design. I balance aesthetics, functionality, and accessibility by following design best practices and using accessible colour palettes, font sizes, and user interface components.

Brief your experience of web standards and how do you make sure that your code complies with them?

I am familiar with WCAG accessibility guidelines as well as web standards including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I use tools like validators and linters, as well as keep up with new standards and best practices, to make sure my code adheres to web standards.

Have you ever encountered cross-site scripting issues or other security flaws? If so, how did you resolve them?

Cross-site scripting and other security flaws are something I have dealt with, yes. By observing security best practices, such as cleansing user input, utilizing HTTPS, and utilizing security headers, I address these. I also test my code for vulnerabilities using programs like OWASP ZAP.

How do you handle front-end testing, and what frameworks or tools have you used for testing?

I have handled front-end testing by using frameworks such as Jest or Mocha, and tools such as   Cypress or Puppeteer for end-to-end testing. I have also used linting tools such as ESLint to ensure code quality and consistency.

How do you employed CSS pre-processors like Sass or Less to streamline your workflow? how do you feel while using them?

Because they support variables, mixins, and nested styles, CSS pre-processors like Sass and Less, which I am familiar with, are used by me to streamline my workflow. This reduces duplication and makes it simpler to update and maintain CSS code.

How do you approach front-end architecture, and what approaches or design patterns have you previously employed?

I manage front-end architecture utilizing BEM or Atomic Design methods and design patterns like MVC or MVVM. In order to streamline my build process, I have also used some tools like Webpack or Gulp.

Can you give some examples of how you’ve used JavaScript to handle tricky front-end issues like interacting with APIs or maintaining state?

I’ve used JavaScript to tackle challenging front-end issues like maintaining state with tools like Redux and MobX and interacting with APIs with tools like Axios and Fetch. To test and troubleshoot API calls, I also utilize tools like Postman.

Have you ever got an experience working on a project that had a sizable codebase? If so, how did you go about scaling and managing it?

Yes, I have experience working on projects with sizable codebases. I approach code scalability and maintenance by adhering to best practices including componentization, modularization, and separation of concerns. In order to guarantee code quality and consistency, I also employ tools like version control and code reviews.

What steps would a front- end developer should take to make a website design more user-friendly, and how will you do it?

The following steps should be followed by a front-end developer:

  • The front-end developer should concentrate on the user interface and user experience of the website.
  • Visualize and develop a web page that produces a user-centric experience.
  • To ensure ideal design, test the website with users. Additionally, it guarantees that the website is mobile-friendly.

What does “version control system” mean to you?

In order to be able to roll back changes to a file or collection of data to a previous version, if necessary, version control systems (VCS) are programs that track changes. Every member of the team will be using the most recent file version thanks to this.

What are the benefits of using a task runner for a front – end web developer?

A task runner like Gulp or Grunt can be quite helpful for a front-end. Task runners may save a lot of time and lessen the possibility of human error by automating repetitive operations like compiling Sass or minifying JavaScript files. Task runners also give engineers a more efficient workflow. It also provide developers a great level of flexibility which enables developers to adapt and modify their development process to meet their specific requirements. This may entail creating new tasks, altering the sequence in which activities are completed, or changing the parameters of already existing tasks.


At ESS Web Development Institute, we believe that preparation is the key to success in any job interview. That’s why our curated list of the top 25 interview questions for Front-End Web Developer positions will give you a significant advantage over other candidates. Our top experienced web development trainers and instructors guide you by providing valuable insights and practical tips helping you showcase skills and expertise during your job interview. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your career prospects. Enroll at ESS Web Development Institute in Delhi today