What are Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP)? Web Development institute in Delhi

AMP is the abbreviation for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is basically an open source framework which is developed by Google. Expert from a good web development institute in Delhi explains it aims for the creation of faster-loading optimized web pages on different mobile devices. It enhances the speed and performance of web content on different mobile based devices. AMP uses the stripped-down version of HTML to increase the speed and functionality of mobile pages.

Day by day AMP is being widely adopted. For different businesses and publishers wishing to improve the mobile user experience and potentially boost search engine visibility, implementing AMP can be an important strategy. AMP uses JavaScript (JS) and caches to achieve rapid mobile load times. AMP was built in collaboration with a number of websites, publishers, businesses and developers.

How Does AMP Work?

Few steps which can be followed by web developers who can create and optimize web pages, using the AMP framework by implementing AMP guidelines and specifications. Here’s a high-level overview of how it works in the context of web development:

Create an AMP HTML page

First you need to start by creating a new HTML page. This involves developing web pages using the AMP HTML subset, incorporating specific tags and attributes.         

Include AMP JavaScript Library

Then you need to add a reference to the AMP JavaScript library in the HTML head section. It helps in enabling the functionality required for AMP runtime and components.

Use AMP components

Now use AMP components which are pre-built, optimized that enhances the functionality of the page.

Apply AMP layouts

Now apply AMP layouts that will define how the elements should be displayed and react. Common layouts include “responsive” for images and “fixed-height” for elements with a fixed height.

Validate the entire AMP page

Now validate the entire AMP page using the AMP HTML Validator. It helps in checking if the page relates to the AMP specifications and provides feedback on any issues.

Include Metadata

Now include the metadata in the HTML such as the ‘charset’, ‘viewport’. It helps in ensuring proper behaviour on different devices.

Test and Debug

 Now you can test the AMP page across various devices to ensure a user friendly experience. The AMP Validator can be used to debug and fix any issues that may arise.

Submit it to Search Engines and Monitor performance

Now you have to submit it to the search engine, once the AMP page is ready. Then continuously monitor the performance of AMP pages using different tools based on Web performance tools.

What is the AMP Framework?

There are 3 main frameworks of  AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages). Following are stated below:


 AMP HTML is a subset of HTML. It consists of specific tags and attributes which helps in creating fast loading and efficient mobile web pages. As such, AMP documents must adhere to specific structural guidelines to preserve their speed-oriented design.

AMP JavaScript Library

The AMP JavaScript library is an important element that manages the asynchronous loading of resources, which provides support for AMP components. Where excessive JavaScript could make pages unresponsive and slow, AMP’s JavaScript allows for quick construction and maintenance of page speed.

AMP Cache (Content Delivery Network – CDN)

The AMP Cache is a content delivery network (CDN) that delivers and stores cached copies of AMP that helps in improving the page load times and global accessibility.  It is a proxy-based CDN that pre-fetches and pre-renders AMP pages even before users request them. The two main providers of AMP cache are Google AMP Cache and Bing AMP Cache.

Pros & Cons Of AMP

AMP has both benefits as well as restrictions, let’s get a detailed view of what we are really instoring when setting up an AMP page instead of normal webpage.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) comes with some advantages. Here’s an overview of some key points:

  • AMP helps in loading faster page times and reduce data usage especially on mobile based devices. This helps in enhancing user experience and reducing bounce rates.
  • AMP helped in improving the search engine visibility. Ranking has been increased along with the faster load times and mobile optimization can indirectly contribute to better SEO performance. Learn SEO from a SEO Online course now
  • AMP uses HTML, which is one of the simplest programming languages. So it is easy to implement the process of web development.
  • AMP enhances the security level as they are inaccessible outside their online servers. This helps a variety of organizations to secure their content and data from third-party attacks.

It comes with some disadvantages as well and those are listed below.

  • AMP is bound with some restrictions on certain HTML, CSS and JavaScript features.  This limits the design flexibility of certain websites. Also AMP may not increase site traffic.
  • The most apparent disadvantage of AMP is that it can cut your revenue.It is reported that there is a decrease in ad revenue on AMP as compared to non-AMP pages. Hence potential revenue has been drastically impacted.
  • AMP depends upon external platforms, such as Google AMP Cache. Hence dependency on Third-Party Platforms has been there, So sometimes it lacks trust and loyalty factor.
Wrap Up

AMP is a powerful tool which enhances the mobile browsing experience and  prioritises mobile optimization.  Google first introduced AMP pages in 2016, which were initially restricted to a “Top Stories” section at the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs). Google launched this for its new partner websites. It primarily focuses at  enhancing the loading time of different web pages particularly in contexts with slower internet connections and smaller screens. It is user-friendly as well as mobile-friendly. However it comes with a set of challenges. Also it’s important to note that it’s not universally accepted. As people criticise it for limiting design flexibility and not suitable for all types of websites. The decision to implement AMP depends on specific use of different cases and development goals.