YouTube SEO for video reach

YouTube SEO tactics for video optimisation and reach | Digital Marketing Institute

There is no doubt that people prefer video content to text-based content. A lot of people, including 59% of leaders, choose to watch videos instead of reading long blog posts, according to research.

Effective video SEO techniques can improve the quality of your videos to the search algorithm and increase their exposure, which result in increased views, brand awareness, and potential consumers. Both Google and YouTube prioritise user experience and hence use algorithms to determine the optimal placement of websites and videos. Listed below are some simple SEO tips by SEO trainer from a top Digital Marketing institute in Delhi for optimising your YouTube videos and boosting reach:

Rename Files with Target Words

Your YouTube SEO trip starts before you click “Upload.” The goal goes beyond placing on YouTube and includes showing up in Google search results. Search engines don’t scan video material, they crawl the source code and read the file name as part of that. Make sure the name of your video file includes the term you want to rank for. This lets YouTube’s algorithm connect your video to search queries that are related to it. Change file names like “” to ones that include keywords like seo-course-in-hindi.mp4.

Say, if your video is about painting a house, you could name the file “” or something similar. Adding words like “best,” “how-to,” or “guide” to your term will make it more visible. This simple step increases your video’s relevancy and attracts more viewers by increasing its visibility to search engines.

Add Keywords to the Title

Writing catchy titles for your videos is important for getting people to watch them. People will see and hear your video’s title first, so it needs to be interesting.

Put relevant, high-traffic keywords at the beginning of your title. This will make it more likely that people looking for related content will find your video. The title of your video should accurately describe what it is about and match what it says. So, if your video is about “Brand Positioning,” make sure that word is in the title.

Don’t go over the recommended number of characters either. A search engine will cut off your title if you do that. For the most clicks, the title should be between 50 and 60 letters long and clear.

Optimise your Description

The description of your video tells people what the video is about in more depth. You are allowed 5,000 characters, so make good use of this room to show off your video. A well-written description does two main things: it gets people to click on your video and it helps search engines find it by strategically placing your primary and secondary keywords. Since only 120 characters are shown at first on the search results page, you should put the most interesting information at the beginning of your description. When you describe your content, use sentences along with exact keywords. You should also use call-to-action (CTA) words to get people to do something, like subscribe, download, or buy.

Look at examples with captions with a wide range of keywords and timestamps. Adding five to eight hashtags that are related to your main term is recommended. It get you added to the suggested videos sidebar, which will get you more views and engagement.

Tag Video with Popular Keywords

Popular tags on your video increase your reach if added. Tags tell people what your video is about and tell YouTube’s search engines important things about the video’s settings. If you properly tag your video with relevant keywords, YouTube will be able to sort and connect it with other similar videos, which could make it more noticeable. Use the same tags that your well-known competitors are using, and make sure they closely match what’s in your video. Also, make sure that the most important keywords are at the top of your tags when you write them. To make sure you can answer all kinds of search questions, find a good mix between keywords that are used a lot and keywords that are used less often.

Free Chrome extensions like Keywords Everywhere, YouTube Tag extractor, are helpful for keywords and tags research

Categorise Your Video for YouTube SEO

Categorising your videos don’t directly affect their rankings or activity. Choosing the right group gives the YouTube algorithm useful information to add your video on relevant places. YouTube’s categories, include games, schooling, music videos, pets and animals, and fashion, help organise the huge amount of content that is available. You put your videos in the group by using the “Advanced settings” menu when you share it. Think about things like the best creators in the category, how the audience usually behaves, and what videos in related categories have in common, like the quality of the production or the style.

Boost Engagement with Custom Thumbnails

Your video’s thumbnail is a visual representation, influencing viewers’ decisions as they browse through search results. They affect click-through rates (CTR). ideal CTR between 2% and 10% to send positive signals to the YouTube algorithm.

Opting for a custom thumbnail over auto-generated options boost clicks, with branded thumbnails featuring company logos proving particularly memorable amidst the sea of videos. Drawing inspiration from successful competitors while maintaining originality is key. YouTube recommends using high-quality images with specific dimensions and file formats for optimal display across platforms. Remember to verify your YouTube account to upload custom thumbnails and seize the opportunity to shape your videos’ visual identity for increased viewer engagement.

If you want to make your videos more visible on YouTube, use these YouTube SEO tips to get more people to watch your videos and keep them watching. Do a lot of study to find keywords and topics that are important, and make sure that your content matches what people are looking for. By regularly posting useful content, you can get more people to search for your business and YouTube channel, which will increase interest and help you succeed in the long run.

You can learn complete SEO for both videos and websites offline from a digital marketing institute or through a online seo course.