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Figure of Speech improves your English | English Speaking Course in Delhi

Let’s try giving “words” new dimensions and expressions in language by adding curiosity and amusement to our public speaking skills. There are numerous methods for making your language original and intriguing. English teacher from top english speaking institute in Delhi explains Using figurative language is one of the most efficient methods to accomplish this.


A figure of speech is a word or phrase used in a non-literal sense to add certain effect to one’s writing. This is also called figurative language. They are used to add color when expressing ideas whether through speaking or writing. These are such a beautiful language ornaments that we call figures of speech.

Here are some kinds of figure of speech:

Today we will talk about the most popular figures of speech with lots of examples to help you sound like an advanced English speaker and to Ace your exam too.

Let’s get going.

  1. Simile:

This one is simple and effective. A simile involves a phrase which directly Compare two usually unlike and different things or ideas. A simile is introduced by words such as “as”, “like”, “so” etc.


  1. As cool as cucumber. Are you able to picture the chillness of a cucumber?
  2. “As brave as a lion,” comparing someone’s bravery to the fearlessness of a lion.

Figures of speech make communication memorable by making the listener paint beautiful pictures in their mind.

  • Metaphor:

A metaphor is an implied comparison between unrelated things, suggesting that they are the same.


  1. “She swims like a fish” is a simile but, “she is a fish” is a metaphor.

 Well she’s clearly not a fish but by calling her fish, we are saying something about her love for water.

  • Personification:

Personification is a figure of speech that is used to impart human attributes to something that is not human. It is also used to personify an abstract thing/quality.


  1. The wind whispered in my ears.
  2. The sun greeted the morning with a warm smile.

It is widely used by novelists and writers but we can also use it in our daily life and have fun with it.

The thumb rule to use personification is when you want to highlight an important event or thing.

  • Alliteration: 

Alliteration is applicable anywhere but it’s very useful when you’re highlighting an important event in first or third person. Alliteration is the backbone of any tongue twister.


  1. Under the captaincy of M.S. DHONI in Indian men’s cricket team was recreated, reorganized, rejuvenated and reborn.

A different kind of “r” repetition is observed here.  

  • Pun:

Pun is defined as the classic wordplay, where one word has two meanings or is depicting two different situations. This figure of speech is unarguably a comedian’s favorite, because the punch line is unexpected. There are so many words that we use in our daily life which spell or sound the same but means different.

Puns are among the most engaging and entertaining figures of speech.

Keep an ear out when you find something like this. Look out for the opportunity for Words which sound the same and be funny or should I say be funny.


  1. I told my computer I needed a break, and now it won’t stop sending me vacation ads.
  • Hyperbole:

This is a figure of speech which everybody is born with well yes I exaggerated a little. Hyperbole means to say something in a hyper mode i.e. which means just over exaggerating it and saying it to create effect.


  1. I’ve told you a million times to clean your room which sounds like Really Mom, “million” this is going to cost us a ton of money.
  • Irony:

This one represents contrast in a very theatrical way. Writers use it very often because it makes you read the line again once more to applaud.


  1. Imagine stepping into a cluttered space and exclaiming, “Wow, this place is so clean and organized.”
  • Apostrophe:

Apostrophe is a figure of speech in which a speaker addresses someone or something that is not present directly, as if it were living, understandable, with the potential of responding.


  1. “Sun, please shine tomorrow for our picnic.”
  2. Oxymoron:

This is defined as figure of speech that combines two contradictory or opposed ideas to produce a paradoxical result. It frequently reflects the complexities or ironies of a situation.


  1. “Jumbo shrimp” is an oxymoron because “jumbo” refers to something enormous and “shrimp” refers to something small. To create a playful impact, the words contradict each other.
  1. Assonance: Assonance is defined as a literary trick in which repetition of vowel sounds occurs in nearby words. Unlike rhyme, which involves the repeating of both consonant and vowel sounds, assonance relies solely on the repetition of vowel sounds to create a melodic and rhythmic impact.


  1. They seemed to like the green peas salad.
  2. Antithesis: A figure of speech that involves opposing concepts, words, or phrases within a balanced grammatical structure is known as antithesis. This produces a sharp contrast that highlights the distinctions between the two pieces. Antithesis is frequently utilized to illustrate a point or highlight an idea in an interesting way.


  1. “Speech is silver, but silence is gold.” –

 In this example, the contrast between “speech” and “silence,” as well as “silver” and “gold,” exemplifies antithesis. It highlights the importance of silence over speaking.

  1. Metonymy: Metonymy is a figure of speech in which one word or phrase is replaced with another that is closely related to or represents the original. Metonymy, as opposed to metaphor, involves a more indirect relationship between the replaced term and the actual concept or thing.


  1. “The pen is mightier than the sword.”

How figures of speech help you enhance your English speaking abilities?

Figures of speech facilitate communication through allowing difficult ideas or emotions to be represented in a more interesting and lasting way. Metaphors and similes, for example, create mental images, making spoken language more effective and make one to understand better. When people use such things into their speeches, it not only draws the listener’s attention but also helps them deliver their ideas more clearly.

These figures, whether through the rhythmic nature of alliteration or the imaginative wordplay of a pun, bring a layer of inventiveness to your language. Learning how to use figures of speech differently allows you to express yourself more creatively.

Higher the use of figure of speech in your language, better will be the one’s ability to talk clearly in a wide range of situations, which ranges from professional presentations to everyday conversations.

Figures of speech, in essence, not only embellish language but also act as essential tools for efficient communication and expression, thus enhancing English speaking abilities.

Figures of speech are an integral part of literature and cultural expression. Idioms, Proverbs and allegories, founded in figurative language, express cultural wisdom and shared experiences.

You can learn offline English from ESS Institute at English speaking course in Delhi where more than 5000+ students become confident with their communication skills.

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